Cable Beach Primary Schools “Mamaljan” translating to support in Yawuru, is a Department of Education endorsed Education Support program. We provide highly individualised learning for students with diagnosed disabilities including Autism Spectrum Disorder, Intellectual Disability and Global Development Delay. Students are eligible to apply from outside of the local intake area which provides choice for families across Broome and the Kimberley area to support their children with special needs. Based on site we are proud to provide an inclusive environment where students are exposed to a range of different mainstream integration opportunities appropriate for their development.
Our Education Support program provides small class sizes staffed with high ratios of experienced Teachers and Education Assistants with expertise in disability. Students have access to an alternative learning environment with a sensory room and outdoor area fitted with a range of specialised equipment.
Education Support teachers access the Australian Curriculum and Abilities Based Learning Education, Western Australia (ABLEWA) to create highly individualised education plans (IEP’s) supported by evidence-based strategies. Staff work alongside NDIS and other therapy providers to collaborate on goals to ensure home and school are working together and students can achieve success. Mamaljan follow the underlying principles of TEACCH (Treatment and Education of Autistic and Related Communication Handicapped Children) program. The highly structured schedules, routines and visual supports used daily continue to prove highly beneficial to all our students and support success. Communication skills, developing independence and emotional regulation are also a strong focus for our students.
Expressions of Interest for 2025 are now open. We encourage families to complete the Ed Support Application for Enrolment to start Term 1, 2025 as we have limited capacity to take enrolments mid-year. Students with mild to moderate disabilities including Global Developmental Delay, Intellectual Disability and Autism who are eligible for Individual Disability Allocation are eligible to apply. Please note: Application for enrolment does not secure enrolment and student placement will be considered based on capacity, needs of students etc.
For more information please contact Program Coordinator Megan Carr –