
Information about cyclone and weather warnings visit the BOM website

Download a PDF file of our School Cyclone processes

Cyclone Watch/Warning

Children to attend school as normal.

The school will usually remain open.

If a Yellow Alert is likely to be declared at some time during the school day the school will not open – children will remain at home.

If the school is to close, this information will be broadcast between 6.30pm to 6.45pm, and between 6.30am to 6.45am on:

  • Spirit Radio 6KA (frequency 1260) 9140 1999
  • ABC Radio 6KP (frequency 702) 9183 5011
  • Closure advice will be repeated each morning until the school is re-opened.

Any change to the bus operation will be given on the radio at the above times.

If a Yellow Alert is declared during a school day, the following will occur:

  • Yellow alert prior to lunch – students can be picked up immediately. The school will close at lunch time. Students will not be sent home until instructions are received from parents.
  • Yellow alert after lunch – students can be picked up immediately. The school will close at the usual time. Students will not be sent home until instructions are received from parents.

The above does not preclude immediate closure in extenuating circumstances and if deemed necessary by the Cyclone Committee.

The school will remain shut during a Red Alert.

In the event that a Red Alert is proclaimed after 2:00pm, schools will remain closed the following day. In the event that a Red Alert is proclaimed after 2:00 pm but subsequently cancelled, the Regional Executive Director, in consultation with the Cyclone Committee, has the discretion to ensure that schools open the following day.

If a Red Alert is called after 2:00 pm schools will generally be shut the following day to allow for assessment and repair of serious damage. Please continue to listen to the radio to receive information as to when schools will open. Please avoid ringing the school as these are often critical times for our office staff.